Issues of management, economics, and business have become a hot topic to be discussed and deliberated in this ever changing business world. Therefore, we need a vehicle to accommodate such issues.  Based on this background, JAMEB was established to be a forum for discussion of high impact research covering multiple areas in economics, business, and social sciences.  This journal is open for academicians, case writers, practitioners, independent researchers, and other stakeholders. The journal covers a wide range of areas in business, social and behavioral sciences. It considers articles written in all areas of business, arts, humanities, behavioral sciences in emerging economies including but not limited to management sciences, psychology, sociology, media studies, linguistics, literature, history. The journal also covers entrepreneurship, marketing, strategic management, organizational behavior, international business, and ethics.

Vol. 2 No. 1 (2024): Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa

Published: 2024-11-30

Pengaruh Keadilan Organisasi terhadap Komitmen Karyawan di Gacoan Cabang Makassar

Nur Fadillah Syalsabillah, Sri Rahmadani , Nur Islamia Firda , Sulianti Sulianti


Pengaruh Literasi Keuangan terhadap Perencanaan Keuangan Mahasiswa di Kampus STIM Lasharan Jaya Makassar

Nur Alya Dwi Sandi Misman, Nanda Tenriana, Watiana Watiana, Laela Rosmawati


Pengaruh Literasi Keuangan terhadap Efektivitas Pengelolaan Keuangan UMKM di Kota Makassar

Damayanti Damayanti, Agustina Pia, Sitti Musdalifa Anggreni, Tedi Kurniawan


Pengaruh Program Pengembangan Karir terhadap Loyalitas Karyawan di PT. Telkomsel Makassar

Nur Fadillah, Armita Armita, Pianti Sambo, Elmilia Sangngin Rae


Pengaruh Etika Pemasaran Terhadap Tingkat Kepuasan Pelanggan

Novi Selviana Mauk, Riska Riska, Sita Permata Sari, Muhamad Fatwa Syafdah


Pengaruh Teknologi AI terhadap Motivasi Belajar Mahasiswa di STIM Lasharan Jaya

Ulfa Dwi Yanti, Badria Badria, Milda Bua, Ahmad Adrianto


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Journal title Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa
Initials JIMS
Abbreviation JIMS
Frequency 2 issues per year
Print ISSN 0000-0000
Online ISSN 0000-0000
Editor in chief Assoc. Prof. Muh. Amsal Sahban, Ph.D
Citation Analysis -

Issues of management, economics, and business have become a hot topic to be discussed and deliberated in this ever changing business world. Therefore, we need a vehicle to accommodate such issues.  Based on this background, JAMEB was established to be a forum for discussion of high impact research covering multiple areas in economics, business, and social sciences.  This journal is open for academicians, case writers, practitioners, independent researchers, and other stakeholders. The journal covers a wide range of areas in business, social and behavioral sciences. It considers articles written in all areas of business, arts, humanities, behavioral sciences in emerging economies including but not limited to management sciences, psychology, sociology, media studies, linguistics, literature, history. The journal also covers entrepreneurship, marketing, strategic management, organizational behavior, international business, and ethics.

Focus and Scope

Jurnal Aplikasi Manajemen, Ekonomi dan Bisnis is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes scientific articles that are the results of original scientific research  from various academics and researchers that have not been published elsewhere.  The article should be in the area of:

  • Human Resource Management
  • Financial Management
  • Marketing Management
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Economics development